5 de abril de 2024

Expanding Your Insurance Portfolio: Knowing When and How

Building a robust and diverse insurance portfolio is crucial for any insurance agent or agency. Knowing when to expand and what products to add can be the difference between meeting your client’s needs and missing out on valuable opportunities. In this guide, we’ll explore key indicators that signal it’s time to diversify your portfolio and how to strategically do so.

Expanding Your Insurance Portfolio: Knowing When and How Leer más »

Ensure your members’ satisfaction with these tips

 As an insurance agent or agency, your role goes beyond mere enrollment – it encompasses guiding members through the complexities of their coverage, fostering understanding, and addressing concerns effectively. However, the landscape is rife with potential pitfalls, often leading to member complaints and dissatisfaction. To fortify your practice and bolster member relations, mastering the art of avoiding common member complaints is essential. Let’s delve into actionable tips and tricks to navigate this terrain successfully.

Ensure your members’ satisfaction with these tips Leer más »

How Can an FMO Help Medicare Agents?

Field Marketing Organizations (FMOs) stand as essential allies for agents, offering various resources and support that significantly augment their effectiveness and success. Building upon the insights, let’s delve deeper into how FMOs serve as catalysts for agent empowerment and growth.

FMOs, owing to their size and influential position within the industry, boast robust relationships with insurance carriers. These relationships afford FMOs the leverage to negotiate and secure contracts that might otherwise elude individual agents. By tapping into these connections, FMOs provide agents with access to a diverse portfolio of plans, enabling them to cater more comprehensively to the varied needs of Medicare beneficiaries.

How Can an FMO Help Medicare Agents? Leer más »

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